Roof Insurance Review

As a roofing contractor, Bear Creek Roofing has vast experience with insurers to provide basic roofing risks like an injured customer from falling shingles.

Roof Leak Insurance

Depending on your insurance policy and what caused the leak, most home insurance providers can cover the costs of roof repairs due to a sudden or unexpected event. Roof leak insurance provides protection from harsh rainstorms, thunderstorms, hail, wind, or even trees that have fallen onto the roof and caused water damage. The best way to protect against roof leaks is to keep up on the maintenance of roof repair.

Excluded from coverage on most roof leak or roof contractor insurance policies are damage to pipe systems, vandalism, theft of shingles or roof parts, and defective construction completed prior to Bear Creek Roofing’s involvement. Keeping up with cleaning your gutters, getting in the habit of consistent visual inspections, removing debris, and trimming trees can decrease the probability of a roof leak. 

When the proper insurance is not obtained by a contractor, any accident that may happen during the job may be a liability for the homeowner. If there are any additional questions or information about roof insurance or roofing liability insurance, please contact Bear Creek Roofing and we will be sure to respond in a timely manner. 

Call For a Quote: 801-668-6379

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